Spain Tour

A wonderful bolg of Spain tour planning and sharing!

星期二, 6月 27, 2006


Toledo is one of Spain´s most richly historic, cultural and monumental cities. Its urban layout, situated on a hill ringed by the River Tagus, has remained practically unchanged since the end of the Middle Ages, surrounded by walls and formed of a maze of streets which go up, down and across each other. It is a city which lends itself to walking around, following the itineraries which show the main art and cultural sites, or losing oneself among its many nooks and crannies.
Historic city. Registered in 1986 as a Mankind Heritage Site. During its life it has been a Roman town, the capital of the Visigoth kingdom, a fortress of the Emirate of Córdoba, a frontier post of the Christian kingdoms in the struggle against the Arab invasion and, in the 16th century, temporary seat of supreme power under Charles V. Toledo is the guardian of more than two thousand years of history. Its masterpieces are the product of different civilizations in surroundings in which the coexistence of three great religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, was a key factor.
建造於16世紀中葉的托雷多城的正門,西班牙國王卡洛斯一世的王徽刻在城門上,兵器院問於前後門之間,院內還有卡洛斯一世塑像,牆上有著一句提辭: 「西班牙之榮耀,西班牙城市之光」,這是西班牙文學大師塞萬提斯對托雷多由衷的讚美之辭。

建於12世紀,具有西哥德及穆德哈爾的藝術風格,1586年時班牙早期三大藝術家之ㄧ的葛雷科,為其所屬教會繪製紀念性的宗教大作「歐貴茲伯爵的葬禮」(Entierro del Conde Orgaz),歐爾佳斯伯爵是教堂的捐助者,畫面表現兩位聖徒出現下伯爵下葬時的天空,背景上的人物也是當時托萊多的兒子及名人顯貴。



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