Spain Tour

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星期三, 7月 26, 2006

西班牙的大教堂 (1)-Cathedral of Burgos Part two

The construction of the Cathedral was begun in 1221 by King Ferdinand the Saint and Bishop Don Mauricio and it was finally consecrated in 1260. It was later enlarged and made even more beautiful with a grand cloister and numerous chapels, including the famous Chapel of the Constables (15th C.), the Chapel of St. Tecla (18th C.), the fine stone-needles on the main façade (15th C.) and the splendid dome at the crossing (16th C.).右上圖;是主教堂外的一面城牆,上刻有守護神聖母瑪麗亞和席德將軍.主教堂南面門叫Door of El Sarmental, (這面門,號稱哥德式教堂中,最經典門面;有完美的比例與精緻的雕刻!)有一段階梯上此門,朝聖者常由此上,進入教堂印證.(見左圖,一老太太全副朝聖裝備,不急虔誠登階. 聖地雅哥朝聖之路,全長約八百公里!) 教堂中庭燦爛天花板(Transept and dome),是五十公尺高,裡外鑿空的天井.不愧菲律浦二世國王說:此工作天使做的,比人多. 還有文藝復興式金梯(Golden staircase). 最值得一提,是西大門進入,右邊有一間神聖Burgos基督禮拜堂(Chapel of the Holy Christ of Burgos),耶穌像皮膚,是由動物真皮,人的毛髮,指甲做成的.雕像看後,直感耶穌為世人釘十字架的痛與苦!(見右下圖)

@ Cathedral in Spain (2-1)



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